Term of Responsibility

Dear Customer,

At Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming, we understand that every pet is unique, with individual personalities and specific needs that require personalized care. It’s crucial to pay close attention to detail, considering the unpredictable movements of animals and the use of sharp grooming tools, which can pose potential risks. By engaging our services, you entrust us with the care of your beloved pet, and in doing so, you release Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming, along with its agents, executives, subcontractors, and employees, from any liability for potential damages or injuries that may occur during the grooming process.


Acknowledging responsibility for your pet’s behavior and well-being, you agree not to hold Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming liable for any issues arising from the services provided. While we are dedicated to delivering prompt and high-quality work while prioritizing your pet’s welfare, please note that we cannot be held responsible for incidents such as escapes, losses, or illnesses, even in cases of vaccinated pets.


Additionally, Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming cannot be held accountable for allergic reactions to grooming products. We kindly request that you inform us of any known allergies or sensitivities your pet may have before the grooming session. In situations where a pet displays aggressive behavior, we reserve the right to refuse or discontinue service, prioritizing the safety of all involved, which may include the use of a muzzle as a precautionary measure.


In the event of emergencies, Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming can facilitate veterinary care, with associated costs falling under the client’s responsibility. We also wish to highlight the potential risks associated with matted fur, which may necessitate complete shaving. Rest assured, we are committed to informing you of any skin conditions or concerns discovered during the grooming process.


Effective communication and consent from our clients are paramount at every stage of our service. By signing our contract, you affirm your agreement with Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming’s policies, ensuring a positive experience for your pet. We deeply value the trust you place in us and continually strive to provide exceptional service.


Thank you for choosing Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming. We look forward to serving you and your furry companion with care and dedication.


Warm regards

Dogs and Dogs Mobile Grooming